Seeking Graduate Employment? Six Simple Tips
Those of you fortunate enough to remain in the blissful state of uni life know all too well that the ‘real world’ is fast approaching. For our readers who have recently graduated, the real world has arrived and you may be realising how tough it is in this day and age to secure employment befitting of your qualifications. According to the Office for National Statistics the proportion of graduates in non-graduate roles has risen by ten per cent over the last ten years. Whatever stage you’re at, there are steps you can take NOW to increase your chances of gaining the type of employment you desire:
1. Make a start today
- With it all to do you can be forgiven for feeling like you have a mountain to climb. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed, and don’t beat yourself up thinking that everyone else has got it all together – they haven’t.
- Cut the whole process into bite-size chunks and view each stage as a milestone on your journey to graduate employment. Start with something as small as getting yourCV in order or even just deciding what it is you actually want to do. Easier said than done? Use our career guidesto get you started.
2. Gain industry work experience
- Getting work experience in the field or industry you hope to work in is a huge step on the road to becoming employed. It’ll give you an idea of whether you’re on the right path and, if you find you are, will provide useful contacts and a lot to talk about at interviews. Being able to draw on relevant experience when answering interview questions is a sure fire way to catch an employer’s eye.
- Interships. Although a contentious issue, time served as an intern seems to be a must-have on any graduate’s résumé. If you’re thinking of pursuing an internship, get started with our dedicated section.
3. Use graduate recruitment agencies
- Agencies form strong relationships with employers, so they’re ahead of the pack when it comes to keeping abreast of the latest vacancies. Register with a graduate recruitment agency or two and you’ll find it easier to get your foot in the door.
- Many agencies have an intensive screening process so just getting signed to one can be a task itself. Put the effort in though and you’ll be sure to reap the rewards.
- We’ve compiled a list of some of the most well-known graduate recruitment agencies in the UK.

4. Clean up your Social Media presence
- Social Media is all the rage these days but be careful what you say or do on these forums. Graduate employers can and will check potential recruit’s social media pages to gain an idea of their character.
- Fine tune your privacy settings so that only those in your social circle can access your information and be careful who you accept into that circle – employers have been known to create aliases. Better yet, behave yourself, at least on these networks.
5. Do something!
- No matter how difficult the situation, make sure you’re doing something. It’ll give you a sense of self-worth and showing a bit of tenacity in the face of adversity will make you stand out from the crowd.
- Wait on tables, take an admin job or volunteer for charities. Don’t underestimate how useful these kinds of activities can be. They’ll provide you with transferable skills that you’ll be able to draw on in interviews and in your future careers.